How to clear your sinuses with nothing but your fingers


How to clear your sinuses with nothing but your fingers


It is the time in the year when everyone at work, school, outside, in shops and on the streets seems to have some kind of illness.

Even if you are not actually "sick", the harsh cold weather of the winter can strike you, and nowhere do we feel the effects more terrifying and more painful than clogged pockets! Anyone who feels fog or wanders with a headache for what feels like weeks knows what we mean. (Honestly, there are times when I felt like I would happily swap a bout of stomach flu for sinus problems.) Clogged sinuses can cause everything from a congested sensation to full-blown migraines, and none of that. Is any fun.

We all have our favorite ways to try to treat sinus problems, from over-the-counter medications to home remedies. Today, we're going to share with you a method that doesn't involve eating anything, but it's extremely effective: Self-Massage for Lymphatic Drainage!

What is lymph massage? It is a gentle self-massage method that has seen increasing popularity in treating conditions such as lymphedema, and, as Mayo Clinic explains, encourages "lymph fluid flow". Since the sinuses are part of the lymphatic system, and since the problems that occur with them are usually the result of a buildup of fluid, this self-massage can be a great relief.

 Easy enough, right? Any of you with sinus problems can do this! Thankfully, we've licensed massage therapist Heather Whipples to guide us through the process.

Are you not experiencing any of these symptoms? Do you have all clarity from your doctor? Then let's learn how to do this self-massage, clear the sinuses!

Keep in mind, as you do every step of the way, that a lymph drainage massage is a very light type of massage. Heather compares pressure to the level you would use to roll a coin across the surface of a table.

You'll focus on four areas to clear your sinuses, and the four areas where fluid settles near the skin: your head and neck, around your ears and the back of your neck.

1-Find the angle of the flower. Take your ring finger on each hand, and place it on each side of your collarbone, one on either side of the incision in your throat in the middle of the collarbone. Then move your hands up over the collar bone and into the soft tissues of your neck. Start pumping gently and slowly, with one pump every 1-2 seconds, or slower. Make 50 to 100 pumps, and you'll start to feel the fluids moving.

You may feeling that you want to clear your throat; This is totally normale !

Move to the side of your neck. Place the tops of your palm on either side of your neck, and use the surface of your palm and your fingers to pull straight down, along the large muscle in your neck. Repeat about 50 times. You will start to feel fluid starting to drain from your ears!

2- Move to the back of your neck. Put your hands together, again using the top of your palm and your fingers. Place your concave hands on the back of your neck, and pull it back down, about 50 times.

3- Finish around your hands. Put your hands in the Star Trek greeting "Live long and thrive" - ​​V-shaped, with index also middle fiingers forming on 1 side, and the ring and pinky fingers forming on the other side. Place your ears at the bottom of each V, between your middle and ring finger. Pull down toward the bottom of your cheek, about 50 times.

4- Repeat the massage in reverse order: the back of the neck and the side of the neck and finish near the collar bone at the angle of the flower.

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